Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019: Events Programme - September to January - London & the South West

Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 at Trinity Buoy Wharf

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 will launch on Wednesday 25 September 2019 at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London. The Awards Announcements will take place on the evening of Wednesday 25 September 2019 at a special event before the exhibition leaves Trinity Buoy Wharf for The Salisbury Museum, the first tour venue, from 12 October 2019 to 11 January 2020. 

Drawing Projects UK have been working with a number of partners to present events and exhibitions that will complement the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition and that celebrate the role and value of drawing with the aim of encouraging participation and engagement with drawing.

September Events:

The very first event will be a Special Preview for Teachers, held in The Chainstore at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London on Tuesday 24 September, from 5pm to 6.30pm. This free event is intended to provide teachers and lecturers with the opportunity to relax and enjoy the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition before the Launch and Announcement of the 2019 Awards (on Wednesday 25 September) and to share thoughts and ideas inspired by the 68 drawings on show made by 62 artists and makers selected for the annual exhibition by the distinguished selection panel, Chantal Joffe RA, Andrew Nairne OBE and Professor Dorothy Price. Professor Anita Taylor, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize will lead a tour of the exhibition and will be available to discuss visit requirements for school, colleges and universities during the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition in London, Salisbury and Leicester. More information and how to book here.

October Events:

The first weekend of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 being at The Salisbury Museum will be a celebration of drawing, with the opening at Drawing Projects UK of Drawing Out The Canal by Simon Woolham with a preview and performances by Simon Woolham accompanied by saxophonist Nick Sorensen and violinist Jo Harvey from 12noon to 3pm. This will be followed by an event at Messums Wiltshire, 2B or not 2B – Why Draw?, a panel discussion at 5.30pm followed by an optional supper at 7.30pm. The panel will include  Professor Anita Taylor, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize and Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee; David Alston, a former Drawing Prize selector and trustee of the Evelyn Williams Trust; a shortlisted artist from the 2019 exhibition; artist Charles Poulsen, whose three-dimensional drawings will be on display at Messums Wiltshire. 

On Thursday 17 October, Professor Anita Taylor will give a talk at The Salisbury Museum at 6.30pm on The Insistence of Drawing, booking information here.  

On Saturday 19 October there are a number of free events taking place. Join in Drawing the Bigger Picture with Chapel Art Studios (CAS) artists Kimvi, Karen Wood and James Aldridge for one of two live drawing walks, either at 10.30am or 2pm. Meet outside the Guildhall on Market Square in Salisbury, walking to The Salisbury Museum where the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition will be on display. All drawing materials will be supplied and free entrance to the exhibition is given to all children and young people (up to yr 13) taking part in the walk. The walk will take approximately 1 hour and include various drawing opportunities.

On the same day, from 2pm to 3pm, Messums Wiltshire will be also holding an event in association with the Drawing Prize and The Big Draw, Drawing with Clay in which participants are invited to part of an art installation in their 13th century tithe barn during the major solo exhibition by observational sculptor Laurence Edwards, in a session led by sculptor Alasdair Rennie from Coade.    

On 23 October at The Salisbury Museum, you can join in Making your Mark: An Introduction to Contemporary Drawing with Tina Lane, from 2pm to 4.30pm, a drawing workshop organised with Plain Arts (Salisbury Visual Artists Network). 

From 28 October to 1 November, The Big Draw at The Salisbury Museum will include a programme of half term activities and events for children and families.  

November Events: 

On 9 November at Drawing Projects UK, there will be a Drawing Discussion with Greig Burgoyne and Lucy O'Donnell at 4pm, Burgoyne & O'Donnell are undertaking an Open to Draw project, Between the Sunny and the Opaque,a collaborative site-specific drawing project. 

On 15 November, a highlight of the programme will be a symposium, Why Drawing Matters, held at The Salisbury Museum from 12noon to 5pm. Chaired by Professor Mike Collier of the University of Sunderland, speakers include Professor Anita Taylor; artist, writer & professor, Tania Kovats; artist and recipient of the Evelyn Williams Drawing Award 2017, Barbara Walker MBE; Debbie Hillyerd, Director of Education at Hauser & Wirth Somerset; and Chris Neil, an alumni of the ARTiculation programme delivered by Roche Court Educational Trust at the New Art Centre. 

On 16 & 17 November, the symposium will continue at Drawing Projects UK with practical sessions and presentations by leading artists and makers. Drawing Matters will include artist-led workshops with Tania Kovats, Dillwyn Smith, Anita Taylor, Charmaine Watkiss, and Ian Chamberlain.  Ian Chamberlain's exhibition, Monuments Remain, will also open at Drawing Projects UK on Saturday 16 November.

Booking information for Why Drawing Matters and the other events held at Drawing Projects UK in November will be available very soon, in the meantime, do pop these dates in your diary!

On 28 November, at The Salisbury Museum there will be an Experimental Drawing Workshop with Selina Snow from 10am to 1pm. 

Throughout the period of the exhibition, Wiltshire Creative will be running the Imprint, Mind, Body and Soul Drawing Festival alongside their exhibition: The Last Full measure of Devotion: Kate Wilson (13 September to 16 November) and Drawn to Craft: Contemporary Craft Practitioners (14 November to 5 January).

Watch this space for more information, and we hope you'll join in, and be inspired as to why drawing matters!