Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 Exhibition & Shortlist Announced

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 exhibition will include 113 drawings by 94 artists - selected by Lucy Byatt, Director of Hospitalfield; Danie Mellor, Artist; Isabel Seligman, Monument Trust Curator of Modern and Contemporary Drawing in the Department of Prints and Drawings at The British Museum - and 21 drawings by 19 drawing practitioners selected for the Working Drawing Category by Niall Hobhouse, Collector, Writer & Trustee, Drawing Matter; Tania Kovats, Professor of Drawing & Making, University of Dundee; Daniel McAuliffe, Education Director (Hubs), The Prince’s Foundation.
The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 received over 3,200 entries from 1,617 drawing practitioners from 45 different countries for the exhibition and awards that total £17,000. This large and diverse exhibition, of 134 drawings overall, reflects a broad range of current drawing practice. It includes works on paper and other supports, moving image and performance, made by artists, architects, designers and makers at all stages of their careers living and working across the UK as well as in Australia, Chile, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain, and the USA.
The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 exhibition will launch with the Awards Announcement at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London on Wednesday 28 September 2021 where the following awards will be announced:
- First Prize of £8,000
- Second Prize of £5,000
- Student Award of £2,000
- Working Drawing Award of £2,000
The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 exhibition will open to the public at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London from 29 September 2022 until 16 October 2022 before touring to venues across the UK. A fully illustrated publication and public engagement programme will accompany the exhibition and tour.
The 113 drawings shortlisted for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 are by:
Elisa Alaluusua / Sasha Alfille / Kerry Andrews / Pauline Antram / Andy Bannister / Amélie Barnathan / Julie Barnes / Myra Barraza / David Barron / Fae Basford / Jolanta Basova / Rae Birch Carter / Mark Bissell / Kate Black / Ann-Margreth Bohl / Jane Bottery / Susie Breen / Francisca Brunet / Ian Chamberlain / Ron Chen / Harry Chrystall / Mike Clapton / Niamh Clarke / Gary Clough / David Connearn / Frances Copeman / Lucy Crouch / Aleksandra Czuja / Catharine Davison / David Dessert / Robert Dingle / Susannah Douglas / Stephen Doyle / Miriam Escofet / Kristian Evju / Nathaniel Fowles / Jane Frederick / Freya Gabie / Kasia Garapich / Andy Gomez / Susie Hamilton / Nancy Haslam-Chance / Monica Heaney / Russell Herron / Olivia Hicks / Lesley Hicks / Curtis Holder / Anna Hutton / Neville Jermyn / Adam Kinrade / Clare Kinross / Ilona Kiss / Randy Klinger / Uli Knoerzer / Katya Kvasova / Gary Lawrence / Jolene Liam / Karen Loader / M.Lohrum / Fiona Long / Johanna Love / Vittorio Marella / Christiane Matz / Harriet Mena Hill / Tom Mole / Elizabeth Nast / Chantal New / Simon Parish / Ian Parker / Mantas Poderys / Julia Polonski / Saba Qizilbash / Alberto Repetti / Carole Romaya / William Rounce / Maria Luisa Ruocco / Laura Ryan / Miriam Shenitzer / Stephanie Shrager / Magi Sinclair / Carrie Stanley Smith / Natalka Stephenson / Alan Stones / Rebecca Swindell / Sally Taylor / Adrian Thompson-Boyce / Lake Twins / Henry Ward / Witte Wartena / Louise Wilde / Jessica Wolfson / Hannah Wooll / William Wright / Xinhui Xu
The 21 drawings shortlisted for the Working Drawing Award 2022 are by:
Jeanette Barnes / Adrian Baynes / Eleanor Bedlow / Jackie Berridge / Jessica Briggs / Clare Burnett / Fiona Chaney / Yvonne Crossley / Stig Evans / George Gibbs / Lothar Götz / Sophie Horton / Ben Johnson / Ioanna Lamprou / Rosie Leventon / Vittorio Marella / Veljko Mladenovic / Roma Tearne / Gemma Thompson
The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize is supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust, and 2022 marks the fifth year of their generous support for the annual open exhibition, which was founded in 1994 by artist and Professor, Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee and founder of Drawing Projects UK. The annual open exhibition is known for its celebration and promotion of excellence in contemporary drawing practice.
Key dates:
• 28 September 2022: Exhibition Launch & Awards Announcement (by invitation only)
• 29 September 2022: Exhibition opens to the public at Trinity Buoy Wharf
• 16 October 2022: Exhibition closes at Trinity Buoy Wharf - and then tours to venues within the UK
For press enquiries, please contact Marine Costello at Parker Harris:
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: 020 3653 0891
For all other enquiries, please contact Parker Harris:
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: 020 3653 0896.
Follow the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 on social media:
Twitter: @TBWDrawingPrize & @DrawingProjects
Instagram: @DrawingProjectsUK
Images above are by:
L: Sally Taylor, Shape Head 4, 2022, Graphite, colour pencil, oil pastel on found cardboard, 33 x 28cm
R: Kristian Evyu, The Other, 2022, pencil on paper, 27 2x 20cm
L: David Dessert, Walnut Tree, 2021, Biro on paper, 102 x 117cm
R: Curtis Holder, One Man and His Dog, 2022, coloured pencil and acrylic gouache on paper, 120 x 120 cm
L: Rosie Leventon, Drawings With Bricks, 2021, graphite and crayon on paper, 74 x 106cm [Working Drawing]
R: Ben Johnson, Mexico Airport Working Drawing, ink on paper, 102 x 140cm, 2022 [Working Drawing]
L: Fiona Long, In the Pines, 2022, pressure on artist's fungus, 17 x 23 x 5cm
R: Harriet Mena Hill, Where shall we meet when here is gone?, The Aylesbury Fragments, 2022, graphite on Fabriano paper and salvaged concrete, 22x 21 x 4cm
L: Neville Jermyn, Sperm Whale, 2021,graphite on paper, 151 x 180cm
R: Nancy Haslam-Chance, You've Got a Negative Outlook on Life, 2021, pencil on paper, 30 x 21cm
Images below:
L: Sophie Horton, Sun Cycle, 2021, watercolour on paper, 26 x 21cm [Working Drawing]
R: Vittorio Marella, Study of Swimmers, 2022, pencil, 36 x 60cm [Working Drawing]