I draw a line from me to you - A One Day Drawing Symposium at Trinity Buoy Wharf on 3 October

I draw a line from me to you - a day spent making lines of connection through drawing: A One-Day Drawing Symposium will take place at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London on Thursday 3 October 2024 in association with the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024, kindly supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust as part of The Big Draw Festival. More information, and booking, can be found here.

Join us in celebrating drawing in its many forms in the context of Trinity Buoy Wharf and held alongside the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024 exhibition. This special symposium offers an inclusive and dynamic exploration of drawing – a celebration of drawing that combines hearing from drawing experts - artists, designers, architects and others who have drawing at the heart of their practice - and will include active drawing sessions, and a drawing performance.

Together we will weave lines of connection through time, space, and the diverse approaches to this most dynamic and contingent form of expression. We will share how drawing sensitises us to the world around us and how drawing belongs to all of us.

Drawing is a tool for deep exploration that we will activate through engagement with various elements of the site at Trinity Buoy Wharf including being riverside, thinking upstream and downstream, elements of the site’s narrative past and present, and in the context of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024 exhibition on the first day of the exhibition (open daily until 16 Octber 2024).

I draw a line from me to you - a day spent making lines of connection through drawing is devised as a full day of presentations and drawing sessions - with Professor Anita Taylor, Professor Tania Kovats, Chloe Briggs, Professor Alice Kettle, Elisa Alauusua, Saskia Lewis, Laurence Wood, and Carali McCall. This will be a day where we will find ways of making connections with our past to look at our present, and point to a collective future.

I draw a line from me to you - a day spent making lines of connection through drawing has been devised as a full day exploring drawing through presentations, drawing sessions and discussion by Drawing Correspondence in association with the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024.

A programme of events, including drawing sessions and drawing discussions, is taking place at Trinity Buoy Wharf alongside the exhibition. These are all part of The Big Draw Festival 2024.

#TBWDP24 #TrinityBuoyWharfDrawingPrize #TrinityBuoyWharf