The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 - Selectors & Call for Entries Announced

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 will open for entries from 20 April 2020 for a special edition - in 2020 it will be the third year of support for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize by Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust and the 25th consecutive annual open drawing exhibition since 1994.

To mark this milestone, there will be an International Call for Entries for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 and a dedicated submission, selection panel and display within the exhibition for the Working Drawing Award 2020 that will focus on the role of working drawings in art, architecture, design, engineering, manufacture, production, and science.

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize has an established reputation as the foremost annual exhibition of drawing in the UK. It is known for its leading role in providing new insights into the contemporary drawing practice and championing role and value of drawing more widely. Led by its founding Director, Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee, it is selected by an annually changing panel of expert selectors who choose the exhibition of drawings and the award-winning works from those submitted during by emerging and established drawing practitioners via the Call for Entries.

The First Prize of £8,000; Second Prize of £5,000; Student Award of £2,000; and the Working Drawing Award of £2,000 will be announced in September 2020 at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London.

Selectors of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition and awards:
• Ian McKeever RA, Artist
• Frances Morris, Director of Tate Modern
• Sophia Yadong Hao, Curator & Writer, University of Dundee

Selectors of the Working Drawing Award 2020:
• Alan Baxter CBE, Engineer & Urban Design
• Sir Ian Blatchford, Director of the Science Museum
• Piers Gough CBE RA, Architect
• Sophie McKinlay, Director of Programme at V&A Dundee

Drawings may be entered for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibitions and awards via the online portal - by 5pm on 24 June 2020 for the Working Drawing Award selected by Alan Baxter, Sir Ian Blatchford, Piers Gough and Sophie McKinlay; and by 5pm on 9 July for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize exhibition and awards selected by Ian McKeever, Frances Morris and Sophia Yadong Hao.  

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition will include around 65 drawings shortlisted for the awards and will tour in the UK in 2020/21. It will be accompanied by a fully illustrated publication.

Entrants will submit images of their work during the online entry process in order to facilitate a two-stage selection process for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 as necessary due to the current public health restrictions. The Selection Panel will then long-list from digital images prior to shortlisting from actual works at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London submitted via the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize Collection Centres located across the UK. If your work is selected for the long-list you will be notified of the details for the collection and return of your work(s) within the UK for the shortlisting process. 

For press enquiries, please contact Marine Costello at Parker Harris:
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: 020 3653 0891

For all other enquiries please contact Parker Harris:
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
T: 020 3653 0896

For updates on the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020, please follow:
Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize:
Twitter: @TBWDrawingPrize
Instagram: @DrawingProjectsUK

Trinity Buoy Wharf:
Twitter: @ArtsTBW
Facebook: @TrinityBuoyWharf
Instagram: @trinitybuoywharf

Parker Harris:
Twitter: @parkerharrisco
Facebook: @parkerharrisco
Instagram: @parkerharrisco

Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 at Leicester Gallery - 21 February to 18 April 2020

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition re-opens at the Leicester Gallery at De Montfort University from mid-day on Saturday 29 August until Saturday 26 September 2020, and is open from Monday to Saturday from mid-day to 5pm. Please check the Leicester Gallery website for details and new guidelines about visiting the gallery.

Supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust, the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize is selected from original drawings and led by its founding Director, Professor Anita Taylor, since 1994. The Prize has an established reputation as the foremost national exhibition of drawing practice and is known for both its promotion of artists and makers who draw, and its championing of the role and value of drawing more widely. 

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition includes 68 drawings by 62 practitioners - including works by students to those by established artists and makers – which were selected from 1,801 submissions received from across the UK. The independent Selection Panel comprised Chantal Joffe RA, artist; Andrew Nairne OBE, Director of Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge; and Dorothy Price, Professor of History of Art at the University of Bristol and Editor of Art History. 

The drawings included in the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition are by: 

Rachel Ara / Naomi Avsec / Jeanette Barnes / Philip Battley / Jonathan Bennett / Jackie Berridge / Kate Black / Kurt Buckley / Roma Bullen / Martyn Burdon / James Byrne / Lewis Chamberlain / Michael Doherty / Aisha Farr / Joana Galego / Frances Gynn / Susie Hamilton / Oona Hassim / Clare Haxby / Mary Herbert / Laura Hudson / Mandy Hudson / Nimmi Hutnik / Neville Jermyn / Hero Johnson / Melissa Kime / Marcus Leotaud / Michael Paul Lewis / Richard Lewsey / Andrew Litten / Eugene Macki / Derek Marks / Miguel Martin / Zara Matthews / Penny McCarthy / Patrick Miller / Tamsin Morse Commins / Alice Motte-Muñoz / Elizabeth Nast / Steve Payne / Julia Polonski / Caroline Pool / Fiona G Roberts / Katya Robin / Karin Schösser / Molley Scoble / Mark Shields / Nicholas Simms / Clare Smith / Paul John Taylor / Sally Taylor / Patricia Thornton / Alberto Torres Hernandez / Shelly Tregoning / Mariota Spens / Jaime Valtierra Sanchez / Henry Ward / Steven Ward / Charmaine Watkiss / Jessica Wolfson / Hannah Wooll / William Wright

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize project is led by its founding Director, Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, and is supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust and delivered in partnership with Drawing Projects UK and Parker Harris. The exhibition will tour to The Gallery at De Montfort University in Leicester as its final destination. 

For all enquiries about the exhibition and tour, please contact the project manager, Parker Harris by email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call:020 3653 0896.

Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London from 18 January to 1 February 2020

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition will be on show in The Chainstore at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London from 18 January to 1 February 2020. This will be the first opportunity for the public to see the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition in London since the launch and Awards Announcement on 25 September 2019 prior to its tour to The Salisbury Museum. 

The exhibition will be open daily from 11am to 4pm at Trinity Buoy Wharf and is free to see. The exhibition includes 68 drawings by 62 artists and makers, and will be accompanied by a programme of events held in the education space adjacent to the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition in The Chainstore. Group visits may also be arranged.

Education and Events Programme - 18 January to 1 February 2020
A number of artists, designers and makers and institutional partners will present events that complement the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition, and that celebrate and explore the role of drawing with the aim of encouraging participation and engagement with drawing by all. All events are held in The Chainstore at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London, and the programme is outlined below.

Saturday 18 January 2020: From 11am to 4pm there will be a Drawing Session: Sketchbook Workshop led by designer Jude Maguire to explore making and using sketchbooks. More information and how to book via the link here

Sunday 19 January 2020: Free drawing workshops and portfolio advice sessions for students applying to art and design programmes with staff from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee. More information and booking for the free drawing workshops - Drawing Me, Drawing You with Frances Stevenson - is available here. More information on Applying for Art and Design Courses and Portfolio Advice Sessions is here.

Monday 20 January 2020: Free drawing workshops and portfolio advice sessions for students applying to art and design programmes with staff from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee. More information and booking for the free drawing workshops - Drawing Me, Drawing You with Frances Stevenson - is available here. More information on Applying for Art and Design Courses and Portfolio Advice Sessions is here.

Tuesday 21 January 2020: Exhibiting artist Charmaine Watkiss will lead a Drawing Session on Drawing Memories. More information and how to book via the link here.

Wednesday 22 January 2020: There will be two Life Drawing Sessions for Students led by The Royal Drawing School tutor, Rossen Daskalov. The morning session will run from 11am to 1pm and the afternoon session from 2pm to 4pm. Booking and further information available here.

Thursday 23 January 2020: Parker Harris will hold a Professional Development for Artists session on social media for artists and creatives. Booking and further information available here

Friday 24 January 2020: From 1pm to 4pm there will be a Drawing Session: Drawing for Sculpture led by Andy Bannister, Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2018 Working Drawing Award-winner. More information and how to book here

Saturday 25 January 2020: There will be a Drawing Discussion: On Working Drawings, chaired by Anita Taylor. Booking and information available here

Sunday 26 January 2020: Exhibiting artist and Working Drawing Awardwinner, Jeanette Barnes, will lead a Drawing Session Sketch Club - Collaborative Cityscape. Booking and more information available here.

Monday 27 January 2020: There will be two Drawing Sessions exploring Drawing and Stitch led by Jill Kennedy-McNeill in association with the Future Textiles Studio at Trinity Buoy Wharf. The first session Stitched Responses: Drawing with Machines, runs from 10am to 12noon, more information and booking here. The second session, Stitched Responses: Traditional Techniques Reimagined, runs from 1pm to 3pm, more information and booking here

Tuesday 28 January 2020: There will be a Drawing Session: Drawing Faces with Ink led by Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibiting artist, Fiona G. Roberts. Booking and more information here.

Wednesday 29 January 2020: There will be a morning and afternoon Life Drawing Session led by Lindsay Sekulowicz of The Royal Drawing School from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm. Suitable for all abilities. Booking and further information available here

Thursday 30 January 2020: Parker Harris will hold a Professional Development for Artists session on developing and sustaining a successful artistic career. Booking and further information available here.

Friday 31 January 2020: There will be a Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize Director's Talk at 2pm by the Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, Anita Taylor. Free event, please book here.

Saturday 1 February 2020: There will be a Drawing Discussion: On Transcription with Evelyn Williams Drawing Award-winner 2019, Penny McCarthy and Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize Director, Professor Anita Taylor. More information and tickets available here.

During the exhibition at Trinity Buoy Wharf we will be launching the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 - more information available soon! 

Watch this space for more information - we hope you'll join in, and be inspired by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019, and why drawing matters! 

A fully illustrated 152pp publication is available, published by Drawing Projects UK. When the exhibition closes in London it will tour to The Gallery at De Montfort University in Leicester from 21 February to 18 April 2020.

Press Enquiries, further information, and images, please contact Parker Harris: 

Tel: 020 3653 0896
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social Media:

Twitter: @TBWDrawingPrize / @ArtsTBW / #TBWDP19 

Instagram: @TrinityBuoyWharf / @DrawingProjectsUK / #TBWDP19

Facebook: @TrinityBuoyWharf / @DrawingProjects1 / #TBWDP19


Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 - Award Winners Announced

Winners of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 were announced on Wednesday 25 September 2019 at the Awards Ceremony and Launch of the 2019 Exhibition at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London – with prizes of £27,000 in total value.

Chosen by selectors Chantal Joffe RA, Andrew Nairne OBE and Professor Dorothy Price, the First Prize of £8,000 was awarded to Alice Motte-Muñoz for her drawing, Reverie. Shelly Tregoning was awarded the Second Prize of £5,000 for her drawing, Distracted, Distracted. Philip Battley received the Student Award of £2,000 for his drawing, Stand. The Working Drawing Award of £2,000, chosen by Alan Baxter and Angela Paola Squassina, was awarded to Jeanette Barnes for her drawing Study for Cable Cars – New York. The Evelyn Willams Drawing Award of £10,000, chosen by David Alston, Liz Gilmore and Anita Taylor, was awarded to Penny McCarthy on the basis of her proposal and drawings included in the exhibition. 

Reverie, by London-based artist Alice Motte-Muñoz, aims to capture both the strength and vulnerability of an unnamed sitter whose reverie and gaze transfix the viewer. This graphite drawing, of a woman in profile, invites us "to ponder on the power of stillness and movement’ as light and line move across the surface of the drawing and ‘reflect the energy as well as the mystery of this woman".

Cornwall-based artist Shelly Tregoning’s drawing, Distracted, Distracted, reflects her concerns that the "packaging and presentation of a carefully constructed hyper-identity is now a very real social expectation". In this drawing, made with oil on glassine, she depicts two girls standing together, distracted by their phones, seemingly unaware of their proximity and distance, as their physical and virtual worlds merge.

Stand, a drawing by Plymouth College of Art student, Philip Battley, depicts a young girl, Cherry. Made with charcoal and chalk on paper, he says "Cherry stands alone within the image, defiant and authoritative she commands the viewer’s attention, but she is not alone. Cherry stands united and in solidarity with her generation in calling for change". Through this drawing, he aims to highlight the concern of young people with current issues, including "inequality, prejudice, discrimination, exploitation, population displacement, global pollution, climate change". 

London-based artist Jeanette Barnes sketches on location to inform her large-scale drawings of urban environments with the aim of creating "a history of events not a single moment in time". With this pen sketch, Study for Cable Cars – New York, the mark-making forms a visual equivalent to the experience of the noise and motion of the city, and a "feeling of urban intensity".

The Evelyn Williams Drawing Award 2019 is awarded to Penny McCarthy from Sheffield, who has two drawings included in the exhibition, DNA in Nature and Photo 51. Her graphite drawings typically evolve through a 'time-heavy and painstaking process of transcription, using archival material and images'. Her proposal for the award and solo exhibition at Hastings Contemporary in 2020/21 will explore events and archives specific to Hastings itself.

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition will be presented at The Salisbury Museum in Wiltshire from 12 October 2019 to 11 January 2020. Subsequently, it will return to Trinity Buoy Wharf in London where it will be available to view from 18 January to 2 February 2020. The exhibition will then tour to The Gallery at De Montfort University in Leicester from 21 February to 18 April 2020.

A fully illustrated 152pp publication is available, published by Drawing Projects UK.

All quotations above are taken from the statements made by the artists about their drawings from the publication. 

Press Enquiries, further information, and images, please contact Emma Walker at Parker Harris:
Tel: 020 3653 0896

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social Media:
Twitter: @TBWDrawingPrize / @ArtsTBW / #TBWDP19

Instagram @TrinityBuoyWharf / @DrawingProjectsUK / #TBWDP19 
@TrinityBuoyWharf / @DrawingProjects1 / #TBWDP19

Images (photographer: Colin Mills): 
1. Alice Motte-Muñoz, Reverie, 2019, Graphite and pencil on paper, 64 x 88cm 
2. Shelly Tregoning, Distracted, Distracted, 2019, Oil on Glassine, 60 x 49cm
3. Jeanette Barnes, Study for cable cars - New York, 2018, Pen, 53 x 73cm
4. Philip Battley, Stand, 2019, Charcoal and chalk, 68 x 86cm
5. Penny McCarthy, DNA in Nature, 2018, Pencil on Paper, 50 x 70cm




Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019: Events Programme - September to January - London & the South West

Jeanette Barnes, Study for cable cars - New York, 2018. included in trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 will launch on Wednesday 25 September 2019 at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London. The Awards Announcements will take place on the evening of Wednesday 25 September 2019 at a special event before the exhibition leaves Trinity Buoy Wharf for The Salisbury Museum, the first tour venue, from 12 October 2019 to 11 January 2020. 

Drawing Projects UK have been working with a number of partners to present events and exhibitions that will complement the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition and that celebrate the role and value of drawing with the aim of encouraging participation and engagement with drawing.

September Events:

The very first event will be a Special Preview for Teachers, held in The Chainstore at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London on Tuesday 24 September, from 5pm to 6.30pm. This free event is intended to provide teachers and lecturers with the opportunity to relax and enjoy the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition before the Launch and Announcement of the 2019 Awards (on Wednesday 25 September) and to share thoughts and ideas inspired by the 68 drawings on show made by 62 artists and makers selected for the annual exhibition by the distinguished selection panel, Chantal Joffe RA, Andrew Nairne OBE and Professor Dorothy Price. Professor Anita Taylor, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize will lead a tour of the exhibition and will be available to discuss visit requirements for school, colleges and universities during the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition in London, Salisbury and Leicester. More information and how to book here.

October Events:

The first weekend of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 being at The Salisbury Museum will be a celebration of drawing, with the opening at Drawing Projects UK of Drawing Out The Canal by Simon Woolham with a preview and performances by Simon Woolham accompanied by saxophonist Nick Sorensen and violinist Jo Harvey from 12noon to 3pm. This will be followed by an event at Messums Wiltshire, 2B or not 2B – Why Draw?, a panel discussion at 5.30pm followed by an optional supper at 7.30pm. The panel will include  Professor Anita Taylor, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize and Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee; David Alston, a former Drawing Prize selector and trustee of the Evelyn Williams Trust; a shortlisted artist from the 2019 exhibition; artist Charles Poulsen, whose three-dimensional drawings will be on display at Messums Wiltshire. 

On Thursday 17 October, Professor Anita Taylor will give a talk at The Salisbury Museum at 6.30pm on The Insistence of Drawing, booking information here.  

On Saturday 19 October there are a number of free events taking place. Join in Drawing the Bigger Picture with Chapel Art Studios (CAS) artists Kimvi, Karen Wood and James Aldridge for one of two live drawing walks, either at 10.30am or 2pm. Meet outside the Guildhall on Market Square in Salisbury, walking to The Salisbury Museum where the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition will be on display. All drawing materials will be supplied and free entrance to the exhibition is given to all children and young people (up to yr 13) taking part in the walk. The walk will take approximately 1 hour and include various drawing opportunities.

On the same day, from 2pm to 3pm, Messums Wiltshire will be also holding an event in association with the Drawing Prize and The Big Draw, Drawing with Clay in which participants are invited to part of an art installation in their 13th century tithe barn during the major solo exhibition by observational sculptor Laurence Edwards, in a session led by sculptor Alasdair Rennie from Coade.    

On 23 October at The Salisbury Museum, you can join in Making your Mark: An Introduction to Contemporary Drawing with Tina Lane, from 2pm to 4.30pm, a drawing workshop organised with Plain Arts (Salisbury Visual Artists Network). 

From 28 October to 1 November, The Big Draw at The Salisbury Museum will include a programme of half term activities and events for children and families.  

November Events: 

On 9 November at Drawing Projects UK, there will be a Drawing Discussion with Greig Burgoyne and Lucy O'Donnell at 4pm, Burgoyne & O'Donnell are undertaking an Open to Draw project, Between the Sunny and the Opaque,a collaborative site-specific drawing project. 

On 15 November, a highlight of the programme will be a symposium, Why Drawing Matters, held at The Salisbury Museum from 12noon to 5pm. Chaired by Professor Mike Collier of the University of Sunderland, speakers include Professor Anita Taylor; artist, writer & professor, Tania Kovats; artist and recipient of the Evelyn Williams Drawing Award 2017, Barbara Walker MBE; Debbie Hillyerd, Director of Education at Hauser & Wirth Somerset; and Chris Neil, an alumni of the ARTiculation programme delivered by Roche Court Educational Trust at the New Art Centre. 

On 16 & 17 November, the symposium will continue at Drawing Projects UK with practical sessions and presentations by leading artists and makers. Drawing Matters will include artist-led workshops with Tania Kovats, Dillwyn Smith, Anita Taylor, Charmaine Watkiss, and Ian Chamberlain.  Ian Chamberlain's exhibition, Monuments Remain, will also open at Drawing Projects UK on Saturday 16 November.

Booking information for Why Drawing Matters and the other events held at Drawing Projects UK in November will be available very soon, in the meantime, do pop these dates in your diary!

On 28 November, at The Salisbury Museum there will be an Experimental Drawing Workshop with Selina Snow from 10am to 1pm. 

Throughout the period of the exhibition, Wiltshire Creative will be running the Imprint, Mind, Body and Soul Drawing Festival alongside their exhibition: The Last Full measure of Devotion: Kate Wilson (13 September to 16 November) and Drawn to Craft: Contemporary Craft Practitioners (14 November to 5 January).

Watch this space for more information, and we hope you'll join in, and be inspired as to why drawing matters!